All I Want Is Love, And All I Want Is You

yeaa, as you know dari tweets gue beberapa minggu ini
oh? belom add?
add dulu.
jadi, gue lagi di jomblangin (okay gue ngomongin hal ini mulu) sama @alicious_081109 sama seseorang. ehemehem gue lah jadinya. bolehlah gara" dia gue jadi suka si ehemehem
sambil gue mikir mo nulis apa, jadi keinget sama harinya cupid. taulahhh 14 Februari
why can't I forget you? I don't want to fall again. It's too painfull..
Gue beli mawar terus gue kasih dia.
dia nolak.
sudahlah. udah terjadi gini.
sometimes it takes more than love to achieve you, but I want you to accept the only thing I can give to you. My love <3

gue gak bisa mikir apa" lagi. :[
lo bikin gue gak bisa mikir apa" lg.
I'm mesmerized.
so I'll end this tweet
emm blog post.
Stupid Love Letter - Friday Night Boys
describes this post the most, I think.
Because I gave you love and you said no.

I still want a girlfriend for christmas
and I hope you know it's you who I'm talking about.

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