I'm now 13.
nanti tanggal 29 gue bakal pergi ke ta bareng temen"
sayangnya pulsa gue abis.

kemaren sabtu koor skola keren, suara gita mantep. Trus pulangnya gue, karin, krisna, terus ke total ( supermarket alsut yang baru buka ). Gue ketemu sama satpam namanya NURDIN. abis selese nanya arah kesana gue bilang "Makasih, Pak NURDIN." terus dia kayak seneng banget, oh ia makasi!.
gue ngakak sama nyokap gue mungkin dia ngira gue kenal dia kali ya. yaudahlah kasian juga namanya NURDIN. At least gak make tanktop.



Tadi sore gue ngerasa ngiri banget deh. anak" sma pada punya slr semua. gue ngidem ( emg ibu hamil) banget tuh kamera. kemaren pas 17an gue minjem ( baca : malak! ) punya bempy enak banget makenya.
Ato gue kerjanya minjem aja yah? muahahaha :P

Umm... Besok rise up and sing concert loren yah. gue ga sabar mau liat gita nyanyi gundul pacul. wakaka

P.S : tmen"kalo ada yang mau kerja sosial ( proyek agama ) ke kuburan bilang gue yah. gue mo ikut, lusa gue ultah. yeah.

Hello world I'm ready to live : )

Wake up friday evenin' love to hear your voice, but we're separated by the distance. I took my scissors out of my pencil case, and cut the lines between you and me.

And there is you I meet at the park, just like a story in cinderella movies, but I don't care about the truth or the lies,

Cause I love you, you know it's true and nothin's gonna prove it wrong

Cause I believe that love is not a game and love is everythin' that I need.

I wanna rise up till nothin's left, wanna sing until you can hear that I say I love you everyday and everynight I think about you.

I wanna scream so everyone will know, that I'm alive, that means I'm still in love with you.

You know it's forever, you know.

And I know you'll love me, I hope.

And we should really blame soap operas because they made such a dilemma in each love stories, and Disney movies with great endings, making us thinks that every love story comes with a great ending, just like what I hope for me and you.

We should honor Stephenie Meyer, and other love novel authors, because their novels are just so romantic, and we should not plagiarize them but create another piece.

We should add more love to our heart, and more voice in our soul.

That's why people love each other,

Our voice, our heart, your voice, your heart.

My Voice, My Heart.

Twitter : twitter.com/VoiceandHeart Plurk : plurk.com/VoiceandHeart Blog/Tumblr : VoiceandHeart.blogspot.com VoiceandHeart.tumblr.com MSN: dudutmaster@hotmail.com Sent emails for me to: willywelz@yahoo.com BB PIN : 2588FA77
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