bittersweet .

this had nothin' to do with me. k?

what my dad taught me, is hatred.
he taught me how to care, yet he didn't care about his wife's hapiness, still he mocked be of being insecure and careless.
he taught me to be wise, but he can't make the decision, and when he's wrong, he blamed his wife.
he treated his wife just like a mere pawn, locked in a cage. she could get out only if the king made a mistake.

what my mom taught me, is lie.
she taught me how to care, yet she didn't care about the mistakes she and her husband both made, and keep repeating the same mistake.
she taught me to be wise, but she keep her mind closed. never try to improve herself due to the problems they had together.
she treated herself pitifully. she blamed everything to herself, and never had the willing to move on. which is why she is still a pawn.

what my God taught me, is to hang on.
even though life is a misery, He always gave us a solution to every problem. it's up to you to either keep trying or give up miserably.
even though life keeps on pushing us down, there's always His hand we hold on to. so we could carry on in this life, stand up once more.
even though we're in the deepest fall of our life, He's always willing to give us a great man to help us with our problems. a friend.

life is bittersweet.
don't say your life is unfair. because maybe you are the one who is making your own life unfair. what you have is your life depends on what you think it is. if it's good, then it's good. if it's bad, then it's bad. always be grateful of what you got. God created disasters around the world to tell us, make us realize that there's more unfairness than us in the world.

yaa, this is a poem ? i just created . it tells a story of an unfair life. a little boy in pain whose life is having a knockdown, only to be saved by the man upstairs. yes, God himself.

I'm just another pawn, brought to life to deliver a message.

Blender dan Jerawat Trilogy

hello blog! udah lama banget gue kagak ngetweet, emm maksud gw ngeblog.
terakir kali gw ngeblog pas natal : gue minta pacar. iya,
bagi lo pada yang masih percaya sinterklas

merry christmas and happy new year guys
selamat kita semua yang naik kelas, enjoying holiday

yang pada ke singapur, ke universal studios, perlu diperhatikan.
sejak ada universal studios, singapore terkena musibah banjir 2kali.
kerugiannya membawa berkah bagi Microsoft karena banyak iPHONE 4 yang terendam banjir.
bicara soal iPhone 4, hp ini baru launching tanggal 24 kmrn di 5 negara, US, UK, Germany, France, dan Jepang. sejak itu, iStore dimana" makin rame, gara" banyak yang nginep disitu buat ngantri. hebat banget. coba mereka bikin penginapan. iRest gitu. pasti laku.

back to topic,
emm, sebenernya berhenti ngelantur ngomongin hal lain, terus mule topik .
ngomongin iPhone 4 barusan, gw barusan ngeliat video di youtube . Will it Blend? - iPhone 4
ya, ceritanya tentang BlendTec, sebuah blender yang NGEBLEND iPHONE 4.
menurut gw si rada sadis ya. gw ngeden iPhone 4, sementara si Tom Dickson ini ngeblend iPhone, hingga jadi abu.
tadi gw kasitau cicil di iChat, dia syok juga. hahaha
oh iya cicil baru bikin blog, bisa dibuka di
kalo nggak di

hahahaha oke gue iseng.

topik kedua gw, yaitu jerawat
tentu aja lo semua pernah ngerasain punya jerawat, unless you're biebz. LOL
selain justin bieber dan artis" lainnya pasti pernah punya jerawat.
gw sih stres punya jerawat.
dari jidat sampe leher sampe gigi gue punya jerawat. di bibir juga! eh. itu sariawan *jayus*
intinya muka gw yang ancur ini tuh kayak real estate buat jerawat" milyuner pencipta Apple. Jerawat Jobs (jejo) menetap dimuka gw pas umur 11, karena beranjak remaja lalu jerawat peminat" iFace mule berdatangan dan hidup di iFace Estate. Semuanya senang hidup di iFace, terkecuali Jerawat Gates (jega) yang iri terhadap jejo. dia membuat Windows, yang membuat estate baru, bukan di iFace, tetapi di bagian" lain seperti leher, dan punggung. yang membuat Windows jerawat ini lebih terkenal adalah ini perumahan biasa yang lebih murah, sehingga banyak pendatang baru menetap di leher dan punggung. tapi membuat leher dan punggung seperti kena cacar yang hina. kalo jerawat di muka sih wajar. dipunggung?

nah, jejo gak setuju dong sama jega.makanya dia bersama para borjuis borjuis iFace menciptakan Jerawat Cullen (jecul) . darah biru asli iFace yang dingin, tapi ganteng, diciptakan untuk menarik perhatian jerawat" di leher dan punggung agar beralih kembali ke iFace.
Jega tentu menyadari rencana jejo. maka dia bersama para jerawat miskin menciptakan jerawat genetika low class bernama Jerawat Bella (jela) untuk menarik perhatian jecul . jela berhasil.iFace semakin terpuruk. maka ia membangunkan sebuah makhluk dari tidurnya, untuk membunuh jela,

Jacob Belek. sebuah KUTIL.

to be continued... NOT.

paragraf" diatas gak usah dibaca. isinya ga penting. (TELAT NGOMONGNYA)
ok itu tiba" gw kepikiran sendiri. gimana kalo jerawat hidup kayak the sims?
tapi hasilnya sampah ga jelas.

yaudahdeh. itu dulu cerita gw.
off lagi , sampe niat blogging ga tau kapan
juli gw ke jepang.
jadi ga mungkin blogging lagi sampe pertengahan juli.



Don't Be Angreh!

banyak banget projek nih
makanya udah jarang ngeblog
tapi diantara projek"nya yg plg seru:
liat bloopersnya di FB!
jadi bikin film gitu buat projeknya. duh seru banget. jadi kameraman gitu. ehehe
Acha jadi Bella, Arvy jadi Edward, aduh si Arvy gayanya jadi COOL:D haha
terus jadi Emmett .
jadi sabtu kemaren kan nginep.
kebetulan si acha kea bete dijodoh"in sama arvy
kita ga enk(gw pb michi)
jadi kitabikinin lagu
gw bikin liriknya
pb bikin chordnya.
keren banget gak nyampe sejem jadi.
videonya masuk ke fb sndiri. pdhl gw uplod fail mulu
akhir kata, lo harus nonton nih video!

Don't Be Angry - Will,PB,Michi
Vocals by Will & Michi
Lyrics by Will
Chords by PB

C Am Dm

Jokes are meant for laughs, not separating us


We are best friends, and will stay together

Em Am F

You are the craziest, the best girl we ever know


This song we make to apologize

F E Am

please don't be angry

Dm G

we didn't mean to hurt your feelingss

F E Am

please don't be sad


we want to see you smile again :)

We just think, you're cute together

we don't mean to make you mad

we just think you're great together

but if you don't

reff 2x

we want to see You Smile Again :)


Twitter : twitter.com/VoiceandHeart Plurk : plurk.com/VoiceandHeart Blog/Tumblr : VoiceandHeart.blogspot.com VoiceandHeart.tumblr.com MSN: dudutmaster@hotmail.com Sent emails for me to: willywelz@yahoo.com BB PIN : 2588FA77
Copyright © compugeek4:)